FNQ-R Limitron


Time-delay, branch circuit, rejection-type fuses.

KTK-R Limitron


Fast-acting, branch circuit, rejection-type fuse



inger-safe fuse and fuse holder system; dual element, time-delay fuse.

LPJ-SP Low-Peak


Dual-element, time-delay fuse

Class G


Fast-acting (1⁄2-6A), time-delay (7-60A) fuses

JKS Limitron


Fast-acting, current-limiting fuse

Class K5 and H


General purpose, non-current-limiting fuses

KRP-C-SP Low-Peak


Ultimate Protection 600Vac/300Vdc, 601-6000A, Time-Delay Fuses

KTU Limitron


Advanced Protection 600Vac, 601-6000A, Fast-Acting Fuses

KLU Limitron


Time-delay, bolt-mount fuse - 5 seconds (minimum) at 500% rated amps. See KRP-CL for amp ratings below 601A

Solar PVS-R - RK5 Fuse


600Vdc Fast-acting, current-limiting RK5 fuses 
00 amps.

FRN-R Fusetron


Dual-element, time-delay fuse

FRS-R Fusetron


Dual-element, time-delay fuse

JJN Limitron


Fast-acting, current-limiting fuse

LP-CC Low-Peak


Time-delay, current-limiting, rejection-type fuse 

JJS Limitron


Very fast-acting, current-limiting fuse


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